Trusted by 40,000+ brands to increase AOV and customer retention
Create a new source of income at no cost by showing premium offers from brands like Disney+, HelloFresh, and Venmo to your customers on the order confirmation page.
Earn revenue each time your customers click “Yes, please!” on these offers.
Add product recommendations to your thank you page to boost average order value. Leverage discounts to improve the offer take rate.
Did you know that customers return to this page 2-3 times per purchase? Show different offers on each subsequent visit to boost your repeat customer rate.
Display commonly asked questions about your products and offerings. What is the average delivery time? What is the return policy or product warranty?
By answering these common questions in an easy to access location, you can reduce email support volume.
Did you know that over 50% of shoppers often or sometimes experience buyer's remorse after making a purchase?
Add positive customer testimonials or trust badges to your thank you page to decrease buyer's remorse.
Say thank you in a more personalized way. Record a personalized video thanking your customers and include it on the thank you page with AfterSell. Customers often connect the most with videos, so this is a great way to build loyalty.